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Benito Cereno, Part Three


عضو متألق
عضو متألق

عدد المساهمات : 84

نقاط : 252

اإلتقََـِِيِِيِِم : 0

تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2013

العمر : 34
مُساهمةموضوع: Benito Cereno, Part Three   Benito Cereno, Part Three Emptyالجمعة أبريل 19, 2013 3:31 pm

ANNOUNCER: Now, the V.O.A. Special English program, American Stories.
Today we complete the story of Benito Cereno, written by Herman Melville.
we told you in earlier parts of our story, rebel slaves seized the ship
San Dominick off the coast of Chile. They killed many of its officers
and crew. The captain, Benito Cereno, was ordered to sail to Senegal.
But first, he was forced to take the ship to the lonely island of Santa
Maria, near the southern end of Chile. There, it could safely get water
and supplies for the long, dangerous voyage to Africa.
At the
island, the rebels were surprised and frightened when they found an
American ship anchored in the harbor. It also had stopped for water.
Many of the rebels wanted to sail away. But their leader, Babo, opposed
it. They had little water and food, and could not go far. Babo
created a story to keep anyone from suspecting that the Spanish vessel
was in the hands of rebels, and that its captain was a prisoner.
first, Babo seemed successful. The captain of the American ship, Amasa
Delano, visited the San Dominick. He suspected nothing, although
surprised by the general disorder on board. He also could not
understand the strange behavior of its captain, Benito Cereno. Later
incidents, however, began to worry him. Captain Delano grew more and
more suspicious. At one time, he even feared that his life might be in
Twice, he caught the Spanish captain and his servant,
Babo, with their heads together, whispering like two conspirators. It
made Captain Delano wonder. Were they plotting to kill him and seize his
ship? Who were these men, cut throats? Pirates?
Captian Delano
grew nervous. Then, he was happy to see his whale boat off in the
distance. It was returning with supplies for the Spanish ship. The
sight of his boat calmed him. It made his suspicions and fear quickly
disappear. He felt foolish for having had such dark thoughts.
Now, here is Shep ONeal with the rest of our story, "Benito Cereno."
Captain Delano went down to Captain Cereno's cabin to cheer him up and
say goodbye. "Better and better, Don Benito," he said as he entered the
cabin, "your troubles will soon be over." The American invited the
Spanish captain to come aboard his boat for a cup of coffee.
eyes brightened. But then the light in them died. He shook his head and
said he could not accept the invitation. Captain Delano was offended.
He was about to withdraw when Don Benito rose from his chair and took
Delano's hand. The Spaniard's hand shook. And he was too excited to
speak. Delano pulled his hand away and turned, climbing back to the
deck. His face was troubled.
Captain Delano could not understand
Don Benitos actions. One minute the Spaniard was warm and polite. Then
-- just as quickly -- cold and hostile. Captain Delano asked
himself: Why did he refuse to join me? Why is he so unfriendly?
Delano got to the deck and was about to step down into his boat when he
heard his name. To his surprise, Don Benito was calling, coming quickly
toward him.
Captain Delano was pleased and turned back to meet
him. Don Benito warmly took his hand, with more energy and emotion than
he had ever shown. But his excitement seemed too much for him, and he
could not speak. Babo then came between the two men and put his arm
around Don Benito to support him. Clearly, he wanted to end the meeting
between the two captains.
Walking between the two men, Babo went
with them to the walkway. Don Benito would not let go of Captain
Delano's hand. He held it tightly across the servant's body.
they were standing by the ship's side, looking down onto the American
boat. Its crew turned up their wondering eyes. Captain Delano did not
know what to do as he waited for Don Benito to let go of his hand. He
wanted to step down into his boat. But Don Benito still firmly held his
Then, in an excited voice the Spaniard said: "I can go no
further. Here I must say goodbye. Farewell, my dear, dear Don Amasa.
Go! Go!" And he tore his hand loose. "Go, and God protect you better
than he did me. Go, Don Amasa, my best friend."
Captain Delano
was deeply moved. He would have stayed for another minute or so, but he
caught the eye of Babo. It seemed to say, 'This is bad for Don
Benito's health.' And so he quickly took the short step down into his
boat with the continuing farewells of Don Benito, who stood rooted at
the ship's side.
Captain Delano sat down in the back of his boat,
gave Don Benito a last salute, and ordered his men to push off. The
boat began to move. Suddenly, Don Benito sprang over the side and came
down at Delano's feet. And he kept shouting toward the Spanish ship.
His cries were so wild that no one could understand him.
American officer asked what does this mean. Captain Delano turned a cold
smile upon Captain Cereno and said he neither knew nor cared. It
seems, he added, that the Spaniard has taken it into his head to give
his people the idea that we want to kidnap him. Or else…and suddenly
Captain Delano shouted: "Watch out for your lives!" He saw Babo, the
servant, on the rail above, with a dagger in his hand. He was ready to
What followed happened so quickly that Captain Delano could
not tell one incident from another. They all came together in one great
blur of violent action and excitement.
As Babo came down, Captain
Delano flung Don Benito aside and caught the rebel leader, pulling the
dagger from his hand. He pushed Babo firmly down in the bottom of the
boat, which now began to pick up speed. Then, Babo, with his one free
hand, pulled a second dagger from his clothes and struck at Captain
Cereno. Captain Delano knocked it from his hand.
Now, he saw everything clearly: Babo had leaped into the whale boat – not to kill him – but to kill Captain Cereno.
the first time, he understood the mysterious behavior of Don Benito – a
prisoner under sentence of death. He looked back at the Spanish ship
and got a clear picture of what its captain had escaped.
On board
the San Dominick, the shouting rebels were raising their axes and knives
in a wild revolt. They stopped some of the Spanish sailors from
jumping into the sea. A few, however, jumped, while two or three, who
were not quick enough, went hurrying up the top-most wood arms.
Delano signaled to his ship, ordering it to get its guns ready. When
the whale boat reached his ship Captain Delano asked for ropes. He tied
Babo, and had him pulled up on deck. A small boat was quickly sent out
to pick up three Spanish sailors who had jumped from Captain Cereno's
Captain Delano asked Don Benito what guns the rebels had. He
answered that they had none that could be used. In the first days of
the rebellion, a cabin passenger now dead had destroyed the few guns
there were.
The Americans fired six shots at the San Dominick. But
the rebel ship moved out of reach. Small boats were armed and lowered.
Captain Delano ordered his men into them. And they moved out to capture
the rebel ship.
The boats caught up with the San Dominick when it
was nearly night. But the moon was rising, and the gunners were able to
see where they were shooting. The rebels had no bullets. And they
could do nothing but yell. Many of the rebels were killed and the San
Dominick was captured.
After an investigation, Babo was found
guilty of stealing a ship and of murder, and was hanged. Captain Benito
Cereno never was well again and he soon died. So, ended the terrible
story of the slave revolt aboard the slave ship, the San Dominick.
have just heard the American Story "Benito Cereno." It was written by
Herman Melville. Your storyteller was Shep ONeal. Join us again next
week for another American Story in V.O.A. Special English. Im Faith
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عضو نشيط
عضو نشيط

عدد المساهمات : 288

نقاط : 288

اإلتقََـِِيِِيِِم : 0

تاريخ التسجيل : 31/01/2013

العمر : 34
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Benito Cereno, Part Three   Benito Cereno, Part Three Emptyالجمعة أبريل 19, 2013 7:03 pm

شكرا ع الموضوعــ الرائع ،،،
بانتظار الــــــــمزيد ,,
،، Benito Cereno, Part Three 886773 ،،
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل

عضو متألق
عضو متألق

عدد المساهمات : 84

نقاط : 90

اإلتقََـِِيِِيِِم : 0

تاريخ التسجيل : 28/01/2013

العمر : 25
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Benito Cereno, Part Three   Benito Cereno, Part Three Emptyالجمعة مايو 03, 2013 3:01 am

شكرااااااااا لك
أخي ننتظر منك المزيد
كنتــ في أمان الله
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل


عدد المساهمات : 304

نقاط : 405

اإلتقََـِِيِِيِِم : 3

تاريخ التسجيل : 06/09/2012
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: Benito Cereno, Part Three   Benito Cereno, Part Three Emptyالجمعة مايو 17, 2013 10:45 pm

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Benito Cereno, Part Three

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 مواضيع مماثلة

» Benito Cereno, Part One
» Benito Cereno, Part Two
» A Princess of Mars, Part 3
» A Princess of Mars, Part 4
» Pauls Case, Part One
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